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 Summer Playscheme 22nd july-23rd August 2024


threat to mowmacre green space - Leicester local plan

The local green space in Mowmacre has been identified as suitable for development on the Leicester City Local Plan. Somehow, a “full consultation” has taken place and we are now at stage 3, where any representations have to be made on legal grounds.

Details can be found clicking the link below.

At Mowmacre Playground we agree with the advice from the World Health organisation that the lack of green space is detrimental to the health of people living in urban dwellings.

The W.H.O. recommends universal access to green space, there should be a green space measuring at least 0.5 hectares at a linear distance of no more than 300m from every home.

“Green space is associated with a large number of health benefits, including lower premature mortality, longer life expectancy, fewer mental health problems, less cardiovascular disease, better cognitive functioning in children and the elderly and healthier babies”.

The residents of Mowmacre Hill have already been let down when the Biffa Recycling Plant replaced the farmers cornfield, “clean” air and a view of “Old John” and Bradgate Park with noxious smells and industrial buildings. Benefits for residents living next to countryside were lost behind landscaping to hide factories. This wouldn’t happen in a wealthier neighbourhood, are richer people better at protecting their communities, or, is it that they are better protected by our Authorities?

It is our children, the future generation that will suffer the most from the loss of limited safe play space. There is no other green space available where they can safely fly a kite or chase a ball, without being surrounded by roads and traffic. They have not been consulted, who will be responsible for ensuring their voice is heard?

We need to put the health and well being of our community first, local service providers and residents are trying to oppose the plans. You can help by writing to our Councillors and M.P. Liz Kendall, and supporting local campaigners.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not". Dr.Seuss

Link to Leicester City Local Plan


The first image above is a “mock-up” of the view from Hadrian Rd before Biffa. We could see Old John and Bradgate Park on the horizon and we had a feeling of being linked to the countryside on our doorstep.